The performing arts are crucial to the well-being of a community. The arts creates jobs, boosts tourism, spurs growth in related businesses and improves the overall quality of life in our communities.
The Santa Fe Symphony together with our corporate sponsors and donors are strong business leaders who believe in the importance of music and music education, and the role these play in making Santa Fe a great place to live, work, and do business.
Join our team of Business Sponsors and you will:
- support the arts in your community.
- help fund music education and access programming for more than 5,000 children, adults, and families in Northern New Mexico.
- support bringing great musical artists to Santa Fe like Time for Three, Anne-Marie McDermott, Ana María Martínez, Ida Kavafian, stars of the Santa Fe Opera and more…
- entertain your clients and reward your employees with Symphony experiences
- and free tickets for sponsored concerts. Sponsors of $2,500 or more are also invited to network with Symphony donors at Musicales, intimate musical receptions across Santa Fe.
- market your brand and show your commitment to the community asset that is The Symphony. Sponsors receive recognition in advertisements and from stage.
- be in good company. We are proud to be supported by many of Santa Fe’s leading employers and philanthropic giving programs.
Join our prestigious list of Program Book Advertisers! Our 140-page, full-color program book is distributed in print and digital formats to over 10,000 ticket buyers and community members each year.
View our 2024-2025 Program Book HERE.
View our Advertising Rates for 2025-2026 HERE.
Contact Development Director Katie Rountree at 505.600.3976 krountree@santafesymphony.org to sponsor a concert or advertise with us!
The Santa Fe Symphony is proud to have earned a Gold Seal of Transparency from Candid! Who are they and why is this important to know? Candid is the company formed after the merger of The Foundation Directory and Guidestar. These two publications joined forces in 2019 and today Candid is the top reference source for funding in the not-for-profit world. Candid tells organizations such as ours who’s funding projects that align with what we’re doing. They also tell foundations and major donors which organizations’ missions and activities best align with their priorities. And our award? It’s a big deal! By offering anyone interested in supporting The Santa Fe Symphony full transparency into our financial records and program track records, we’re providing an extra layer of security to anyone who might not know us firsthand. We invite all Symphony supporters to check out our profile — after all, we want you to always have the information you need to support our work with trust and confidence.
$20,000 and above
$10,000 and above
$5,000 and above