lessons project
All students enrolled in The Santa Fe Symphony’s education projects are required to take private lessons. However, only students who have been awarded financial aid are eligible for our private lesson program, The Lessons Project. This program is designed to ensure that every student, regardless of financial background, has equal opportunities to develop their musicianship. These lessons are taught by highly trained instructors—members of The Santa Fe Symphony Orchestra, trained music educators, and longtime coaches for the Youth Symphony. Lessons are offered weekly in 30-minute increments over the course of a 12-week semester. Lessons are scheduled in advance, with students meeting at a regular time each week, and are arranged between the parent and the teacher.
Lessons take place at The Symphony Offices and other agreed-upon venues, with online lessons offered during inclement weather, school closures, or when the student or the teacher cannot attend in person. Students who are currently taking private lessons will be placed with their current instructor whenever possible. New students are assigned a teacher based on their instrument, age, and scheduling needs.
We offer financial aid for private lessons on a limited basis. We encourage you to register for lessons (and financial aid) at the same time you register for ensembles and other classes. Registration opens in early May each summer, and lessons and ensembles start in September.
If you need a list of recommended teachers in Santa Fe, or need help finding a private teacher, please reach out to our Program Director Elizabeth Young at eyoung@santafesymphony.org.
Dream Big is a program sponsored by the Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival. Dream Big provides lessons to students at Capital High School, Ortiz Middle School and Niña Otero Community School. If you attend one of these schools, read more about what’s offered here.
Visit santafechambermusic.com/education/dream-big-private-lesson-program/ for more information or contact dreambigcoordinator@gmail.com about funding options open to your student.