chamber project
Make new friends! Learn leadership skills! Build your confidence! Make music part of your daily life!
Chamber groups are small ensembles such as quartets, quintets, and trios. Since these groups are smaller than an orchestra, every student gets more one-on-one attention and players build confidence as they develop their skills. Part of the fun comes from the fact that each individual player takes on the responsibility of playing their part well since they are the only person playing that part. Each group meets for an hour each week with a professionally-trained coach. Every group has 8 weeks of rehearsal time with their coach to prepare for a performance on a concert scheduled at the end of the semester.
Participants need to be able to perform at the Youth Philharmonic or Youth Symphony level. Rehearsal sites and times vary according to the size of the group and preference of members. Not all groups meet every year. This fall, for example, we’ve got string quartets formed, but not enough players for the other groups. Keep checking our website—new groups will be formed in time for the spring semester.
Our orchestral musicians are equally committed to local music education efforts. Many of our players teach in area schools and many others offer private and group instruction through The Symphony’s award-winning mentoring program. In recent years, 120+ underserved youth in Santa Fe Public Schools participated in this unique effort, raising the overall level of music in our schools and throughout our community.