Planned Giving!
Current Members of The Ovation Society who have magnanimously remembered us in their estate planning:
Ann Neuberger Aceves
Perry C. Andrews III
Anonymous (2)
Anonymous, In Memory of
Gladys & Julius Heldman
Gregg Antonsen
Amanda & Stephen Apodaca
Maggie & David Brown
Mary Ann & Raymond Burkard
Marilyn Casabonne
Zella Kay Cox
Daniel Crane
Haley & Hugh Curtin
Helen C. Gabriel
Shelley & Fred Glantz
Susan Goldstein & Steven J. Goldstein, MD
Elaine & Gregory W. Heltman
Barbara Lenssen & Keith Anderson
Charles MacKay & Cameron McCluskey
Eileen R. Mandel
Drs. Jenny M. Auger Maw & Gilbert M. Maw
Carmen Paradis & Brian McGrath
Dr. Penelope Penland
Genie Ramsey
Britt Ravnan & Michael Ebinger
Laurie Rossi
Vera Russo
Paul Rubinfeld
Vera Russo
Donald Shina, MD, & Kevin Waidmann
Marion Skubi
Ken Stilwell
Priscilla & Hunter Temple
Melanie Peters Thorne & Edwin Thorne, Jr.
Elizabeth VanArsdel
Megan & David Van Winkle
Gretchen Witti
Nancy Zeckendorf
Do something for tomorrow today!
Ovation Society Members who notify The Symphony of their plans during the season will be acknowledged on this page and in the Program Book for the following seasons.
Charmay Allred
Norma & Dr. Harold Brown
Mrs. George Dapples
Francis Essig
Allen Mason
Joyce M. Nicholson
Anthony Russo
Patricia Sheppard
Bernice E. Weiss
Margaret “Mickey” F. Inbody
Emily Zants
Janet Zlatoff-Mirsky

Become a member.
For more information about gifts to the Ovation Society, please call Katie Rountree, Development Director, at 505.600.3976 during business hours Monday through Friday, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
The Santa Fe Symphony is proud to have earned a Gold Seal of Transparency from Candid! Who are they and why is this important to know? Candid is the company formed after the merger of The Foundation Directory and Guidestar. These two publications joined forces in 2019 and today Candid is the top reference source for funding in the not-for-profit world. Candid tells organizations such as ours who’s funding projects that align with what we’re doing. They also tell foundations and major donors which organizations’ missions and activities best align with their priorities. And our award? It’s a big deal! By offering anyone interested in supporting The Santa Fe Symphony full transparency into our financial records and program track records, we’re providing an extra layer of security to anyone who might not know us firsthand. We invite all Symphony supporters to check out our profile — after all, we want you to always have the information you need to support our work with trust and confidence.