Bee Zollo, Soprano
Bee grew up on the East Coast in a large tribe of hams and impersonators. Encouraged to perform at a young age, she confidently sang to loving, patient, parental audiences in various talent shows and garage venues. Eighth grade graduation proved a winner for her with a solo rendition of Somewhere Over the Rainbow, albeit nervous knees were knocking. High school showcased four years of chorus and musical theater, and love for choral singing began to take root. Bee began her college career in music and theater but eventually she chose the avenue of nursing. Three years in Spain with the U.S. Air Force and six years in India working as a nurse, included ample opportunities to sing in small choruses and participate in little theater groups.
Bee moved to Santa Fe in 1999 and discovered The Santa Fe Symphony; she auditioned for the chorus in 2003 and has been singing with it ever since. She studied classical voice in the early 2000’s with Maralin Niska. Later—wanting to develop her skills of song writing—she studied guitar, songwriting and voice with Lisa Carmen and has had several opportunities to sing her songs at various public venues.
Bee retired late last year after having a fulfilling, 19-year career as a Hospice nurse, serving the needs of those with terminal illness. She often sang to her patients and they, with her.
Singing with The Santa Fe Symphony & Chorus has been an anchor in Bee’s life; with the deep inspiration and guidance of Choral Director Carmen Florez-Mansi, it has become more of an illuminating voyage with movement and musical adventure. Bee says that Garrison Keillor nailed it when he said, “To sing in the company of other souls, and to make those consonants slip out so easily and in unison, and to make those chords so rich that they bring tears to your eyes! This is transcendence. This is the power that choral singing has that other music can only dream of.”