Emily Erb, Clarinet
Emily Erb has held the position of second clarinetist with The Santa Fe Symphony since 2013, and has played with the orchestra since 2008. Originally from Eastern Oregon, Emily earned her Bachelor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Idaho, where she studied with Dr. J. Roger Cole. She earned her Master of Musical Arts degree from the University of Akron in Ohio, where her teacher was Dr. Kristina (Belisle) Brown. She attended Arizona State University for three years, working on a doctorate with Dr. Robert Spring. She has lived all over the country, from the West Coast to Ohio and Kentucky, but New Mexico feels like home.
From 2013 to 2022, Emily taught clarinet to second– through fifth-graders with the Young Musician Initiative, an outreach program through the New Mexico Philharmonic. She has performed with the New Mexico Philharmonic, Opera Southwest, Santa Fe Pro Musica, Arizona Opera, Tucson Symphony Orchestra, and Phoenix Symphony. She taught clarinet at the Woodwinds at Wallowa Lake, a summer camp in the Wallowa Mountains of Oregon, from 2009 to 2019.
Emily serves on The Santa Fe Symphony Board of Directors and is on the Steering and Programming Committees. She lives in Albuquerque’s South Valley with her husband Peter (a horn player with The Santa Fe Symphony), their two children Elida and Dylan, their dog and old cat. She enjoys knitting, gardening, and spending time in the mountains hiking and camping.