SFS 1:1 Santa Fe Children’s Museum
TICKETS: $50 per person
Reserve your spot today!
A connection without contact. A selection without discussion. A moment without interruption.
Remove yourself from isolation for a short period and experience a personal connection with a Santa Fe Symphony Orchestra musician. For a short time, you will turn off all devices, tune out the rest of the world, and transplant yourself into a stunning—safe and secure—setting where the only thing important is music. The only thing you see is beauty. And the only thing you hear is a musical selection, chosen and performed especially for you.
Listening Eye to Eye
How does this work? Once you are escorted to your setting, for the first 30 seconds the only contact you will have with your musician is eye to eye. Both wearing masks,* you and your musician will connect visually for 30 seconds. A piece of classical music will be selected for you by your musician and you will have no information on your piece until the music begins to play! No words. No discussion. No contact.
All tickets are guaranteed during The Symphony’s 2020-2021 season, and this exciting new series is no exception. Not only can patrons who have already subscribed or purchased tickets for The Symphony’s 2020 concerts receive a refund or transfer tickets to a future performance in 2020–2021 without question, their funds can also be applied to this new series. Please contact The Symphony Box Office at sredsun@santafesymphony.org or call 505.983.3530 during business hours to facilitate a transfer.
*Masks are required by all patrons, staff, and volunteers during the SFS 1:1 events. No exceptions. All performers are also required to wear masks. Brass and woodwind players are excluded. The Santa Fe Symphony Orchestra & Chorus is following the best practices provided by health organizations and will continue to monitor any changes in recommendations as the days unfold. The Santa Fe Symphony Orchestra & Chorus is following the best practices provided by health organizations and will continue to monitor any changes in recommendations as the days unfold.