Patricia Emerson, Alto
With parents who both played instruments and sang in church choirs, it was natural that Pat began harmonizing with her Mom early in life. Family road trips and Girl Scout activities were usually songfests, and Pat’s latest audition used a song from those songbooks! Pat played piano and clarinet as a youth, and after many moves back and forth across the country, she started college at UNM, her parents’ alma mater. She moved to the University of Massachusetts as an exchange student and later transferred there, touring the East with the college’s symphonic band. Pat began singing “officially” in a bicentennial chorus in Maine, and became then—in her words “a singing fool.” In Sacramento, California, Pat sang in three choruses, including the Sacramento Choral Society, where she also served as its first board president. While finishing her career in Calaveras County in California (remember Twain’s jumping frogs?), Pat was an early member of the County’s only chorus. Since retiring and moving back to her native New Mexico, she has been active in Santa Fe’s music community, serving a term on the board of the Santa Fe Community Orchestra (plus singing its every-other-year chorus), and singing in Coro Santa Fe, Zia Singers and The Symphony Chorus. Now in her second term on the Chorus Council, Pat is excited to see the chorus grow in size and musical excellence.